Friday, December 5, 2014

Improving Winchester Access TV for you - questions and answers

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Dear Readers,

First we'll address the problems at WinCAM, then - unlike the board and a few bad apples on the staff, solutions will be presented.

WinCAM is a relatively new access TV station, having been formed in 2000.  As the station enters its 15th year in existence this host is celebrating what will be the 36th year since his first show in Somerville on Day St, Davis Square, the old Time Warner local origination station.   The information imparted to the residents of Winchester is of great value, it comes from decades of experience.

A.G.  Why does he have to use such big words?
J.L.  You mean like "imparted?"
A.G.  NO, the word "experience."
the above 3 lines are a parody...I think..
J.L. Because if you had experience, A.G., Gauthier would have fired you by now!!!!! 
line 4 is not a parody; it is a sad fact at WinCAM 

My programming airs on S.C.A.T. in Somerville to this day, though the original show pre-dated Somerville Community Access Television.
Questions and Answers on the broken access TV station,
Winchester Community Access and Media

Q: Why do you say WinCAM is broken?

 A: There are many reasons, but two can suffice here:

first example:

a)David Gauthier claimed - falsely - that he doesn't compare WinCAM to other access tv stations, but to other Winchester non-profits.  Other Winchester non-profits don't have staffers like "prime time boy" making derogatory remarks about a very nice member (e mail complaint from another member to me about this) or "prime time boy" engaging in the sexual harassment of a technician along with a former staffer whose mouth would make Bill Cosby blush

Degrading remarks bragging about women and sex from an authority figure WHO WAS TOLD it was inappropriate to speak to 14, 15 and 16 year old teenagers that way on school property, but who ignored the rules warning of consequences for harassment, rules posted right outside of the studio door.

By the way, the sexual harassment documented in the above DVD sleeve (check the handwriting)  happened on Gauthier's watch as well as under the supervision of Melodie Wing, Peter J. Pongratz and Allan Eyden, which is the exact reason why those four individuals need to be removed sooner than later.

The Winchester Police have been apprised of the situation, as have others in authority in the town of Winchester.  Melodie Wing can't stay having protected someone hired to teach classes to young kids only to smear a school committee person by attaching a vulgar term for testicles to the end of the man's name.  Peter Pongratz didn't push any complaints through 29 months ago, did he?  Pongratz has to resign.  Allan Eyden should just be ashamed of himself seeing a homosexual male being discriminated against. David Gauthier is just crass and ruthless; he serves at the pleasure of Eyden, Wing and Pongratz and needs to be shown the door immediately.  It IS a public safety issue, and those individuals will circle the wagons to protect their "positions" at WinCAM, not do what is best for the public on WinCAM Week.

They have got to go.  Their failed hiring practices, their firings, their protection of two bullies and sitting on complaints filed 29 months ago are all you need to know to see why Wing, Pongratz, Eyden and Gauthier can't stay at WinCAM any longer.

example #2

b)The Annual Meeting had more staff and board members and their significant others than members.  That is a huge red flag about the sort of Medford bad news a retired judge called "private" MCC Access.   WinCAM is private access which serves at the pleasure of Melodie Wing, Peter Pongratz, Allan Eyden, David Gauthier and anyone in their "club."  Just don't cross them...or else._______________________________________________

Q: Gauthier gave all sorts of percentages, not hard numbers, regarding membership, claiming it is up since 2010 and up 23% in the past year

A: Well, where's the beef?  Publish the numbers and the content created.  He can't, because it is hot air from an insecure individual who bullies people in an age when bullying is frowned upon; a creep who let sexual harassment happen on his watch and hoo...wrote a letter claiming that a complaint on him was worth complaining about!

If he had any courage he would have met with me and with the board of directors and gone over the FACTS and FIGURES, but since he was absolutely guilty as sin he had to just bully.

That's what bullies do.

Like Howie Carr quotes "If you've got the facts, pound the facts. If you've got no facts, pound the table."

David Gauthier pounds the table like a 5 year old whose rattle and pail and shovel were taken from him by the headmaster because Gauthier can't play fair and doesn't get along well with others.  He's a charlatan taking Cable TV subscriber monies in Winchester and bullying people.  It's a damn sin.

The percentages from unqualified Gauthier are rhetorical nonsense from an unskilled "executive director" who is out of his depth, and lacking in common sense, civility and who displays not one iota of class.  Gauthier is a clueless as to the definition of the word decorum as Anthony Gaimari was about the term "prime time," until he got a little education on the subject.

File under: Damaged Goods, D.G., Clueless and Classless limited public figure and carpetbagger.
Q: How do we cable TV subscribers get information from WinCAM to back up Gauthier's claims?

A: Give us a list of the programming, give us the figures, tell us why your millions of new members didn't show up at an annual meeting to watch some carpetbagger from Salem toasting himself on cable TV subscriber champagne.   Are the editing bays filled with members, are they editing at home, or is Gaimari putting "Democracy Now" and public domain films on the air and content made available to access to make it look like the station is overflowing with new programming.  In Boston they need a second channel, in Winchester there's a lot of imported programming, like Medford had, to create an illusion that the place is jam packed.  Look no further than the attendance of the annual meeting, and watch them now try to pack the Christmas party because a member in good standing went public on them.

Q: So Gauthier is the problem?

A: Gauthier is the product of the real problem, a board of directors that doesn't understand the proper definition of "term limits" or accountability to the cable TV subscribers funding them.  JUST LIKE MEDFORD, the behavior of Wing, Pongratz and Eyden is that they delude themselves; they think that they- somehow - invested their own money, that the public monies funding the station came from them, like a private corporation.  

They act like it is a private corporation to serve at their pleasure when, as Gauthier noted (a notion that he can't live up to) access TV is a "service industry."  

Gauthier is great at lip service and sleight of hand, but at the end of the day, what kind of library has WinCAM created for the community when programming is erased, classes haven't been taught for years, no real certifications with validity in regards to computer classes and camera classes, and some jackass from Salem making a mockery out of your hard earned franchise fee dollars.
Q: What about term limits?

A: Well, I am not a lawyer, so let's just go to Wikipedia and see what that site has to say:
A term limit is a legal restriction that limits the number of terms an officeholder may serve in a particular elected office. When term limits are found in presidential and semi-presidential systems they act as a method to curb the potential for monopoly, where a leader effectively becomes "president for life". Sometimes, there is an absolute limit on the number of terms an officeholder can serve, while, in other cases, the restrictions are merely on the number of consecutive terms. 
Q: How long has Allan Eyden been on the board?

A: Since the inception, 2000


A: In my opinion, no.  Eyden was recently re-appointed by the board AFTER they installed some kind of quasi-term limits mumbo jumbo that - clearly - works to their advantage and DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF TERM LIMITS

Eyden should have been a man about it and stepped down,
but - again - the station serves at the pleasure of the current board of directors, not the other way around, and that's just fine with David Gauthier who - at least - should know better about that, but is happy with the status quo, for obvious reasons.
Q: Dare I ask about Melodie Wing?

A:Just Google "Corporate Search" in the William Galvin Secretary of State site, put in Melodie Wing in the "names" and read it and weep.

Q: That's so selfish!  Especially with the firings of Don, possibly Adam, Jennifer, Steve and allegedly the recent changeover with a woman staffer.

A: You think  that's selfish?  If Gauthier was sincere about P/E/G access being a "service industry" why did he allow the president of the corporation to be "Producer of the year" - which allegedly was a suck-up by an unqualified E.D. to butter up an egomaniac who held that award like the undeserving dude in the film IN AND OUT, the imbecile who got the teacher of the year award because of gay discrimination against Kevin Kline's character.

Q: Why didn't Melodie Wing decline and let someone else have it?

A: Because, that would have been magnanimous, altruistic, philanthropic, unselfish, noble, chivalrous and, c'mon now, do  you REALLY expect that ????? from an unseemly woman who detoured a board meeting to harass a member generating content for the station with her broken-glass-against-a-chalkboard voice 
(when she puts a little attitude in it,) and her condescending and smug bullying because SHE has the power.

Where is the charity of Melodie Wing?  Where is her "forgiveness" after she makes decisions that upend people's lives?  Where is Melodie Wing's humility?  Where is her concern for other human beings?  Where is Melodie Wing's sensitivity?

Where is the ethical standard every lawyer is supposed to adhere to and display to the world?   

Q: Didn't Joe LaRocca say that some woman at the courthouse called her a f....

A: Don't go there, please.  It takes courage to shine a flashlight on these bullies.   Just the horrifying thing Wing blurted out published in the Winchester Star about a woman she fired is all you need to know about the unprincipled Wing directing people to dig into that woman's background.  What a betrayal of trust by a person in a position of authority.

She's just your garden variety self-serving townie engaging people in the turf war that only exists in her cruel mind.
Look what she did to a member-in-good standing on Thanksgiving Week and during a difficult period in that member's life; OR look at how that member was creating a tribute to a fallen member.  Did you hear Wing bring that man's name up at the annual meeting, or anyone else at WinCAM?   They don't even have the heart to toast a member who died, Gauthier is too busy toasting himself.

Q: That is so ugly of them.  How can it be fixed?

A: They can step down, or we can file a class action suit, or one member can litigate and expose them on public record as exactly what they are.

Q: With your years of experience, and the great guests you brought to WinCAM, and your tireless work on Winchester projects like the boxing match at Town Hall, Gronk at Manchester Field, all the town hall taping you did of authors year after year, town meeting, basketball, ex WinCAM members returning to talk on Soap Box at your invitation, you did more membership retention than Gauthier and you were but a volunteer.

A: I see your question - why remove someone who cares and who put the honest effort and hard work in.  The answer is simple:
Gauthier is interested in a fat paycheck and is so paranoid that anyone with more skill than he is shown the door.

Q: Wasn't a recent hire let go only to get an E.D. job somewhere else?

A: You read my mind.  Exhibit A.   When a derogatory comment from Anthony Gaimari about the woman not "being a good fit" is stated to a member, and the woman is put in an E.D. position after WinCAM told members she was off to do "arts and crafts" - it is just more evidence as to why Gauthier can't be trusted.
Now, this is being stated for the public: I do not know why there was a termination - but I don't think the woman left of her own volition as other staffers have, the above is based on the comment from Gaimari.


That's that for now. 8:54 P.M. Time for some dinner. So chew on that information.  It is being distilled in a report to the Winchester Selectmen and the Public Charities Division of the Attorney General's office and to other interested parties who have the ability to help us transform the crony-infested private access WinCAM into a P/E/G station that Winchester can truly be proud of.  Not shaped in the image of Melodie Wing and company, but one that reflects the public and benefits the cable TV subscribers.

File under: A Wing and a Prayer

This is our cooling off period.

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