Friday, December 12, 2014

WinCAM cheated members in downgrade; firing qualified employee to hire Gaimari


When this member asked Anthony Gaimari his qualifications he said "How else do you learn if you aren't on the job?"

Duh.  Maybe you get hired because you have a degree in something or because of life experience in a world of non-profits and dealing with the public.

Anthony Gaimari would run to Google to learn on the job.    Jennifer and Steve, who were fired, didn't have to run to Google.

Gaimari replaced Jennifer Willie and it was a step down, yet, Melodie Wing, president of WinCAM, would go on to eviscerate Willie with two comments (both published on this blog) after firing her with no warning, and Wing would coddle the less qualified Gaimari (less qualified?...) ...THE totally unqualified learn-as-you-go Anthony who utilized members to produce his own show, then would split on a member's show leaving the high school wide open AT NIGHT for potential muggers, robbers, rapists and degenerates to possibly burst in while a volunteer was on the air.

Public safety issue?

Gay and Willie never left the school exposed.

So your student's medical records and personal information were exposed by Gaimari and his co-host when the school was left open and only one person - a member live on the air - was left alone.

Given the hostile atmosphere created in-part by Gaimari, and the recent murders in Winchester, think of how incredibly bad the incident of having left the high school open 3 weeks in a row was, and the public safety issue Gaimari and his cohort created.

Joe LaRocca's response for bolting without warning and leaving the school wide open:

"We wanted to show how much trust we had in you.  It's something you can use in your battle against TV3 Medford.  We trust you enough to shut the station down."

Well, I appreciated that trust, though I had NO SAY in being left alone, no warning, and the high school was left wide open.

Town officials ARE aware of the three incidents.

Senator Jehlen, who was at the station after a taping, told that the staff had moved the Friday night soap box to Thursday and that the staff had created two new shows - naming my show, and not giving me the staff promised in the deal...the Senator said "Oh, let them have their fun on Friday nights, Joe."

Their fun?  They were paid to work.  When I joined WinCAM it was Friday nights for the outreach program, Soap Box.

When LaRocca and Gaimari wanted to "go out on Friday nights" after spending the week on Facebook and hunting for women, they promised a full staff for two shows on the Thursday night.  On the first night they just abandoned me and two noted authors...we were left alone without the staff promised us.

But La Rocca and Gaimari, most likely paid salary while doing their own program, used members like slave labor to do their show, and stabbed me in the back, the guy who kept WinCAM alive with content after they fired Jen and Steve without any warning.

Melodie Wing was absolutely vicious and sadistic in her responses to my bringing these facts to the board of directors.  David Gauthier said I would have to do my show without a full staff, and they did their damn best to sabotage my program in Gauthier's attempt to break your spirit and get you to leave.

When I asked the board to renew "Soap Box" Gauthier was smug and said "use your hour for Soap Box. I don't want more live shows."

The Executive Director refused to SERVE the members, even though David Gauthier said it is a "service industry."  Gauthier's lip service is in direct conflict with his plan to censor members and rule WinCAM as if it were a commercial tv station with programming "certified" by the rookie Executive Director?  Sound familiar?  A 22 year old punk in Medford with zero qualifications did the same damn thing, and it resulted in the Mayor shutting down Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. 

Does anyone think Anthony Gaimari would leave a college wide open because he didn't feel like working, staying to lock up and put the alarm on?

Do you think a college would tolerate it?

The board should have checked the time cards after the report was made.  Do you think they did?

Gaimari said he broke a monitor by dropping it.

Gaimari is unqualified

And Gaimari walked out of WinCAM early on multiple occasions.  In fact, Gaimari would get furious if you wanted to stay until closing as he had to "catch a movie" or do something that wasn't keeping WinCAM open the full time as promised.

Members were cheated if they needed to pick up a camera.  One Saturday the place was totally closed because Joe LaRocca was allegedly "at lunch" as another member told me, people waiting to get into WinCAM and no one showing up to open the place.

LaRocca and Gaimari in particular would pull a TV3 Medford "Steve Marra" and close early, cheating the members out of what they paid for.

The Board of Directors SHOULD have the time cards.  Let's see if they are honest about it with the membership.

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